What is a Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce in New Jersey is a relatively new divorce process with a variety of benefits over more typical divorce methods. For most couples, divorce proceedings will eventually lead to situations that are decided by the court. However, with collaborative divorce, the opportunity is available to avoid a costly divorce process and ineffective counseling to reach agreements. Through collaborative divorce, you can divorce much more quickly and amicably.
Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce in New Jersey
There are many benefits to pursuing a collaborative divorce instead of going through more common divorce methods. Here are just a few of the primary benefits:
- Non-adversarial. Sometimes divorces can get ugly if both parties cannot reach agreements on important aspects of their case. However, if both parties agree on who gets what, a collaborative divorce is a perfect choice.
- Comparatively low cost. Long drawn-out divorce cases can be an expensive endeavor. Collaborative divorce cases require much less time and effort, which can save you money.
- Working with a collaborative attorney. Typically, both parties will have their own attorneys that will fight to get them the best outcome in a divorce, but a collaborative divorce can have one mediator for both parties.
- Takes less time than traditional divorce. Traditional divorce requires many back and forths between both parties and their attorneys. Collaborative divorce eliminates the need for constant back and forths which speeds up the entire process.
Collaborative Divorce From Steven B. Menack
If you and your partner agree on most of the major aspects of your divorce and you want to move forward with a collaborative divorce, contact Steven B. Menack today. Don’t let your divorce tie up your life for a year or more, get it done cheaply and quickly without the added stress of traditional methods of the divorce process.